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[SYNTHEGO] ICE software for CRISPR Editing
이노라이프텍 조회수:4104
2019-07-22 15:54:08

Synthego launched ICE version 2 (ICE v2).  

ICE software (“Inference of CRISPR Editing”) 

1. An open-source, free to use, web-based tool (https://ice.synthego.com) that quickly determines rates of CRISPR-Cas9 editing at a specific, sgRNA directed genomic location within a cell population.

2. The ICE v2 can help guide all stages of your CRISPR workflow, from guide RNA choice, assessment of editing efficiency, and cell selection for clonal isolation.

3. ICE v2 supports any research application; whether it is gene knockout analysis for functional pathway studies or SNP knock-ins for disease modeling.

4. It offers accurate results that correlate strongly with NGS-based analysis.

Refer to ICE v2 Release Notes for a complete list of version updates: https://help.synthego.com/hc/en-us/articles/360026546693


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